The research policy of the college has been developed with an aim to create, nurture and foster a research culture among its staff and students. It also aims at the enhancement and enrichment of professional competence as well as for development and promotion of scientific temper and research aptitudes in the staff and students of the college. The research policy is in line with the mission and vision of college and also is focused to ensure that the research activities of the college conform to all the applicable rules and regulations as well as to the established standards and norms relating to safe and ethical conduct of research.
The Research Policy of the college will be applicable to all the RESEARCHERS of the college and for the purpose of this policy RESEARCHERS will include:
1. All Staff, permanent and temporary, who are active in Teaching, Research, Administration and Provision of any form of support to the core functions of the college.
2. All Students registered with the Research Centers of the college.
3. All Mentors, Guides, External Experts and Sponsors associated with any of the research activities of the college.
4. All Academic and Administrative Departments of the college.
This policy shall also be applicable to all the Research and Research Related Activities of the college. These activities shall include:
1. Researches- Basic and applied conducted for the fulfilment of the requirement of academic degrees.
2. Academic activities performed with an intention of expansion of knowledge horizons by analysis, synthesis, interpretation and evaluation of ideas and knowledge by making use of rigorous methodologies.
3. Compiling and communicating knowledge for keeping academic advancements in any domain of knowledge up-to-date such as writing of chapters and/or text-books, monographs, developing / updating curriculum, pedagogical sciences etc.
4. Creative and Innovative activities involving generation of new ideas, teaching- aids, software's, artefacts in any field of knowledge leading to the development of new knowledge, understanding and / or expertise.
5. Research projects of students undertaken as a part of curriculum or for its enrichment.
6. Publication, Presentation and Communication of the Research Outcomes and those of Research Related Activities.
1. To develop Rules, Procedures and Guidelines for supporting all Research and Research Related activities.
2. To develop Rules, Procedures and Guidelines for granting study leave, duty leave, reduction in work load etc. for faculty members undertaking research activities.
3. To provide a modality for proper co-ordination of all research activities of the college and aligning these to the vision and mission of the college.
4. To guide the faculty members in effective integration of research projects with the regular curriculum integration and curriculum enrichment activities.
5. To identify and inform researchers about the appropriate research opportunities announced by different academic, research, industry or government organizations.
6. To identify and establish linkages including MOU’s for long term relationship with national and international organizations for broadening the scope of research opportunities and funding options available for researchers of the college.
7. To identify and establish linkages including MOU’s for long term relationship with industrial bodies and individual companies for creating opportunities for researchers of the college to involve themselves in real life research projects and obtaining sponsorships.
8. To encourage and facilitate the publication of the research projects/ work in reputed academic journals.
9. To encourage and facilitate the presentation/ communication of the research work/projects as well as their findings and recommendations through academic events like workshops / seminars / guest lectures or the media.
10. To draw up and adopt a research code, which informs all the researchers about the norms to be followed in the conduct of research.