CareerCounselling, Placement and Swayam Cell
The Counselling Cell of theGovernment College Gurur provides personal and vocational guidance to studentsof all the departments of the College. Personal Counselling Sessions areconducted at the Centre by qualified and experienced Counsellors to helpstudents resolve any kind of problems that they might face. The Cell is located in Psychology Departmentof the College.
Confidence issues, choosing theright career path, making choices in the various parts of life, self-doubt,peer pressure, relationship issues are only some of the problems that youngpeople often face. Choosing the right career path is also, often, a dilemmathat the students face. The Cell provides vocational guidance to students basedon an analysis of their personality, talents and interest. Insights into suitablework environments are also provided in vocational guidance. Understanding yourpersonality is key in choosing the right career path. Every student of everydepartment is welcome and all students may feel free to come to the CounsellingCell.
Providing the career orientedknowledge to the students
To provide the application basedcareer making knowledge to the students providing information about current jobawareness providing extra career boosting academic facilities to the students
For running the cell, theteachers committee has been formed from the various departments. The mainpurpose of this cell is to provide the professional knowledge to the students.In terms of this all teachers from the department had informed to provideguidance to their departmental students. For achieving this purpose astandardized format for the guidance has been constructed with discussing theall staff members.
Function of Career Counsellingand Guidance Cell:
a) To gather information on jobavenues and placements in different institutions and concerns related to thecourses that the College offers.
b) To analyse information in thelocal, regional and national contexts to explore its relevance and utility forthe students in their placements and on-job training.
c) To organise seminars andguidance workshops for informing students about the emerging professionaltrends and events, job profiles, leadership roles, entrepreneurship, marketneeds and risks and implementation of national socioeconomic policies and toimpart training in soft skills.
d) To promote discipline, healthyoutlook and positive attitudes towards national integration and removal ofnarrow provincial preferences and prejudices.